
Wilhelmshuld (Kolonia), Kreis Karthaus, West Prussia

The area surrounding the town of Neustadt (Wejherowo) was also a source of many Remus family records. These Remus family members migrated to MI and the village of Remus, MI was named after them. For a while several of the family members lived south of Neustadt in Wilhelmshuld (Kolonia). The complete set of Remus family records can be found on the Bohlschau webpage.

Wilhelmshuld (Kolonia) was created in 1802 on royal land by the grace (huld) of Kaiser Wilhelm = Wilhelmshuld. The village lies along a straight 4km street with equally spaced farms along the road; each farm in about .75 km deep. Apparently these Remus family members found the arrangements inadequate as Wilhelmshuld (Kolonia) was their jumping off point for MI.

The pictures below show these farms and the school at the center of the village. Lutherans there attended church in Mirchau and Catholics attended church in Sianowo.



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Please send any queries to Bill Remus at

August 11, 2010